Monday, July 13, 2009

Introducing Zori, My First Child!

Life is full of gifts that inspire us, challenge us, and change us. They are gifts that give us purpose. These life gifts shape who we are and where we are going. Every gift requires a specific set of skills. There are numerous ways to learn these new skills or improve existing ones. Each day we must choose whether to increase the skills necessary to flourish with these gifts.

July 10, brought a huge life gift and an opportunity for me to learn a new set of skills. I am now the proud father of a beautiful little girl, and in less than four days this tiny bundle of joy cast her spell on me. Zori, my first child, came into this world at 3:33 A.M and it took no time for her to wiggle into my heart. This new milestone in my life will require skills that are completely foreign to me, but fortunately she is forgiving (well at least her joy comes back with each passing wave of crying). My heart has reached a new depth of love and I am filled with gratitude. I have an incredible wife and now an incredible daughter. I am truly blessed.

As I am now choosing to learn the necessary skills to be a dad; I will need your prayers, thoughts, and words of wisdom. This responsibility frightens me somewhat until I look into those little eyes. I recently read an article on giving and a phrase stuck in my mind…you are most fulfilled when you are serving others. This gift of a daughter is going to take a tremendous amount of effort to raise, but I am already feeling more fulfilled in serving her. This new shift in life’s journey will hopefully shape me into a better person.

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers! I can’t wait for the adventures that lie ahead!


  1. I know, without a doubt in my heart or mind, that you are and will continue to be the most wonderful father a daughter could ask for.

  2. I am so happy for you guys and I know you will be a wonderful father. You are also a wonderful brother and I am blessed to have you in my life.

  3. You've risen to every challenge and been a better person for each experience. If you weren't somewhat afraid of the responsibility, that would be a worry!! We have no doubts that this will be your most fulfilling challenge ever. You have all the natural abilities, so just follow your heart. There are no words to express our feeling of joy, love and pride for you, Andrea and now Zori!!!


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