Monday, July 20, 2009

Combining Yoga and Kettlebells: Triangle Pose and Windmills

Trikonasana, Triangle Pose, teaches many elements in one posture such as stability and evenness. This stance expands the chest and builds strength in the thighs, legs, and feet. Practicing Trikonasana eases stress as your mind works to balance the effort between your arms, legs, and torso. This pose also helps with anxiety, improves digestion, and stimulates the internal organs. All these benefits and yet I used to hate this pose. I knew how beneficial Triangle pose was, but yet I couldn't bring myself to work on this pose.

The turning point for me when I learned to love Triangle came from kettlebells and one move in particular, the windmill. The windmill targets your obliques, but it also works the hamstrings, glutes, and shoulders. A few weeks ago, I dusted off an old ashtanga yoga DVD and when triangle pose came I decided not to skip it. To my surprise this pose felt great. It was the deepest I had gone in the pose. I owe it to the yoga kettlebell combo. Yoga and kettlebells are an unlikely pair, but provide incredible benefit when combined. Windmills strengthened my core and increased flexibility in my legs allowing me to reap greater benefit from Trikonasana. Triangle pose helped quiet my mind and lessen my stress. These two moves provide powerful benefit.

Here are quick descriptions of the two exercises if you want to give them a try:


Start in Warrior II, straighten your front leg. Extend your lead hand and fold at the hips reaching your hand down to your knee, shin, or floor. Reach for the sky with your opposite hand. Keep your torso extended, sides even, and shoulders in line.


Clean and press a kettlebell overhead with one arm. Keeping the kettlebell locked out at all times, push your butt out in the direction of the locked out kettlebell. Keep the non-working arm behind your back and turn your feet out at a forty-five degree angle from the arm with the kettlebell. Lower yourself as far as possible. Pause for a second and reverse the motion back to the starting position

When you combine these two moves you will create more space and evenness in your body. This awareness will help to unite your body and mind giving you mental and physical strength.


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