Friday, June 5, 2009

The Wonders of Wheatgrass

Numerous benefits come from daily consumption of wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is one of the cereal grasses which also include barley grass, alfalfa, etc. Ann Wigmore is credited with bringing wheat grass back into the spotlight after curing her own untreatable colitis in the 1960’s. She became the champion of wheatgrass and went on to found the Hippocrates Health Institute which has treated and cured many people of serious health conditions.

Wheatgrass has only about 10-15 calories per teaspoon. It has no fat or cholesterol. It has nearly a gram of protein per teaspoon, and includes all eight of the essential amino acids, as well as 13 of the remaining 16. The amino acids it doesn’t contain are easily made within the body.

It contains Vitamins A, B1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 12; C, E and K. A teaspoon of wheatgrass contains around 15mg of Calcium, 8mcg Iodine, 3.5mcg Selenium, 870mcg Iron, 62mcg Zinc, and many other minerals.

There are four other special components of wheatgrass, which make it particularly valuable.
These - not in any particular order - are:

  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
  • P4D1
  • Muco-polysaccharides
  • Chlorophyll

Following are some excerpts of the benefits taken from Ann Wigmore’s The Wheatgrass Book.

Wheatgrass increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure. It cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass also stimulates metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body.

Wheatgrass stimulates the thyroid gland, correcting obesity, indigestion, and a host of other complaints.

Wheatgrass restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice's abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood. It can be used to relieve many internal pains, and has been used successfully to treat peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wheatgrass is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.

Wheatgrass has remarkable similarity to our own blood. The second important nutritional aspect of chlorophyll is its remarkable similarity to hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood. Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, president of the Hagiwara Institute of Health in Japan, is a leading advocate for the use of grass as food and medicine. He reasons that since chlorophyll is soluble in fat particles, and fat particles are absorbed directly into the blood via the lymphatic system, that chlorophyll can also be absorbed in this way. In other words, when the "blood" of plants is absorbed in humans it is transformed into human blood, which transports nutrients to every cell of the body.

Join me in my journey of health by raising a glass of this wonderful green elixir.


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